


Action thriller Killer Elite is a film based on the 1991 novel 'The Feather Men' by Sir Ranulph Fiennes. Directed by Gary McKendry, the film follows the trail of several mercenaries who are on a mission to save one of

their own who will be executed if demands are not met. The narrative places us in Oman, Australia, the UK and Paris, The production was filmed in Australia, Morocco and the UK.

The depth and breadth of research amassed by our Director Gary McKendry prior to official Pre Production provided a solid springboard to begin the Production Design journey for the film.
Killer Elite
Box Gym 2
Killer Elite
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Dubai Wharf
A highlight of the Design process was familiarising oneself with the environments for the Oman component.
Delicate and sublime detailing needed to be created on stage for the Sheikh’s Palace interior.
The skill and craftsmanship of the Art, Construction and Scenic team unquestionably enhanced the authenticity of these Arabic environments.
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Palace 6
A special nod to Scenic artist extraordinaire Ian Richter who spent many days and nights meticulously hand painting the authentic and picturesque map of Oman as seen in this image.
May he rest with his brushes and know that the third camel really did make a difference!!
Harris Villa 4
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BB 4